Friday, May 7, 2010

Bella Heals Scrotum

[23:17] Bella looks at the ogre sitting there she makes a small sound to be heard.

[23:20] Scrotum the Ogre glances back and rumbles, "Hey der wittle bwoo birdy giwl, Scrotum tink you pwetty.", then leaning forward as he peers into the water, his eyes widening as he spies a little creature, and poking his finger into the water as he mumbles, "Hey der wittle buggy ting, you funny, you wittle funny buggy ting with big fingers, wot you do wit dem funny fingers wittle bug?" as he leans forward poking at the little crab and grinning to himself, drool stringing from his chin and touching the water.

[23:25] Bella watches the ogres drool fall from his mouth she looks at it as it touches the water she wonders it the string will break its little things like this that keep her atentions. She crouches down still watching it after some time has pass it finally breaks, She claps and whispers, "My that was impressive. You have some strong secretions coming out of you for sure. Are you lost big one?"

[23:28] Scrotum the Ogre turns to Bella and draws his lips back, his brow furrowing again, clearly a commonplace reaction to nearly anything it seems, as his finger dips into the water, then grimacing and clenching his jaws as he howls, leaping to his feet and flailing around as he thrashes one hand about himself, a large red crab attached to his index finger as he howls and dances about, flailing his arm about as he tries to dislodge it.
[23:30] Bella steps back and watches the ogre twisting about with the crab on hits finger she cant come near him just yet. She waits fro him to calm down and she puts up her hands , "No now green one calm yourself and let me look at that, Whipping around will make it worst."

[23:34] Scrotum the Ogre thrashes about until he is exhausted, then finally leaning over gripping his wrist as the crab hangs from his finger, a thin stream of blood dripping down over the claw as it digs into his flesh, cutting and bruising his thick sausage like finger. He pauses a moment, his head hung in silence as the tears flow down his face, then looks up slowly towards Bella, sniffling and muttering, "Dis wittle bug meanie, he no nice, hims pinch Scrotum finger berry berry bad and make Scrotum cry."

[23:38] Bella makes a face of sadness as if she was looking at a child she reaches over and gives him her back she swallows hard and reaches for her blade on her thigh. Quickly and without warning she slashes at the crab severing its arm from its body. Looking back at the ogre with tears still streaming down his face she pulls at the claw and gets it off his finger. She whispers, "There you go." She looks back at it again it looks like it might need some stitching.
[23:40] Scrotum the Ogre drops to his knees in relief as the crab falls from his finger and the claw is removed, immediately pushing his finger into his mouth and sucking on it as he looks up at Bella, mumbling, "You kill dat mean bug?"

[23:41] Bella nods, "That I did but sweet one the cut is deep and may need stritching I dont want it to get dirty and fester. Can I fix it for you? Please?'

[23:43] Scrotum the Ogre nods as he sucks on his finger and points with his left hand, "Yes giwl, you fix bug, hims arm be off...he cwy now.", as he looks down pointing into the water at the crab as it huddles under the rocks near the water's edge.

[23:46] Bella shakes her head and starts to pull the ogre's finger out of his mouth and leads him to the pond she kneels down beginning him with her and starts to wash the cut with the pond water. She feels his heavy breathing on her back and hopes he does take offense to what she si about to do. "Can I fix your cut ? It is deep. It won't take long but it might hurt some?"

[23:52] Scrotum the Ogre shrugs slightly, "Bug need help but you fix scrotum finger if you bees happy giwl...dis just bweed a wittle, not wike Scrotum cut nother time. One day wittle man in metal suit come and say "Scrotum bad...Scrotum no pwull off wittle man arms and eat dey head", and he be berry barry angry." Then shrugging as he adds, "Scrotum not know why he bee so madness, but dat how wittle men bees, Scrotum guess..." as he shrugs slightly, and holds out his finger for her to tend to. He nods as she works, "Wittle man in metal suit take spear and poke Scrotum in neck, it bweed berry berry bad...den he poke scrotum in stomache and chest...den scrotum get mad...hims get berry berry madness...den he pull off wittle man arms and eat dems head...", nodding as he recalls the incident and adding, "hims taste good."

[0:00] Bella opens her eyes wide and thinks she is in love. Hearing of the ripping off limbs and eating them makes her excited. Her heart quickens as she speaks, "Well it serves them right the disgusting human males for trying to bother you like they did. A grand looking specimen of a male such as yourself. They should have known better. They are worthless really they die so quickly as it is and if they don't die they age horribly. You were right to do what you did and I hope
they filled your belly. You are so well big and muscular you look like you need a lot of food. My where are my manners let me stitch this up for you." She reaches into her pouch for a needle she crafted from shale and some lambs wool she looks at him and shows him the things in her hands. Looking down on the wound she begins it carefully push the needle through the thick ogre skin making clean tight stitches. She finishes up and pulls lightly on the wool and ties it down. She clips the rest off with her dagger. "There you go now let me bandage it."

[0:00] Bella looks into her bag for some linens...

[0:09] Scrotum the Ogre stares at the girl as she works on his fingers, his eyes wandering over to Bella, trailing up her naked belly and leaning forward as he eyes her soft protrusions, then leaning forward further as he presses the tip of his nose to her hair, just over her forehead and inhales deeply with a wheezing rumble, then tilts his head slightly and nuzzles her ear as she stitches his finger, then whispering in a low rumble, "Scrotum wike dems smell, you stay wit dems.", and attempting to wrap his thick arm around her covetously, his hand grasping at her hip as he attempts to hold her body near him as she works, and keeping her close as she finished.

[0:17] Bella feels the ogre get closer to her she dismisses it as she work until she feels his lips nuzzle her ear she freezes up slightly not expecting it but she doesn't pull away she gets some slave from her bag and spreads it gently on the ogre's finger. She gasps and explains "Ohh!!" As he pulls her frame frame next to his. She feels this lumbering male against her skin and smiles not repulsed by it her face grows a bit warm while she bandages it. Bella ties it down and turns around to face him her face pushed against her chest her feet barely touches the floor while she is in his arms. "Please watch the wings. I am not complaining or in any discomfort on the contrary it feels very nice, but watch the wings." She smiles and looks up to him winking at him. "I think you found something you like."

[0:23] Scrotum the Ogre grins as he pins her to his thick muscular frame, the thinnest stream of drool slipping by her face as he looks down at her, wiping his chin with the back of his hand as he nods and rumbles, "Scrotum wike..", then leaning forward as he brings his face close to hers, scanning his eyes over her at this close distance to take her in, then glancing up at her large feathery wings as he oohs softly, and rumbles matter-of-factly, "Scrotum keep dis blooey blue bird giwl...she make Scrotum happyness."

[0:26] Bella laughs and feel her body warm her dark face blushes deeply. Her cheek bones glow as she nods, "I think I will like to be kept by you Scrotum. She loses her breathe some from his grip on her small frame. "Will you take care of your Blue bird?" She laughs slyly.

[0:28] Scrotum the Ogre grins broadly as his tusks peek out from behind his thick lips, and nodding, "Scrotum wuff his bwoo biwd...hims take berry care of hers...Scrotum tink he take dems home and pway wit hers."

[0:30] Bella raises her brow still losing breath in his arms. "What games will we play?'

[0:39] Scrotum the Ogre shrugs, "Scrotum pway...what behind curtain numbwer two..." as he reaches out and tugs gently on the silks of her skirt.

[0:41] Cristabella Contepomi holds on to her skirt and laughs, 'Now dont rip it I will take it off for you latter. What wuld you like to see under there right now?"

0:46] Scrotum the Ogre shrugs, "What dems hiding under der wiffle bwooey bird? Scrotum just want to see dat, hims not know why dems would hide she hide squishy under dere?"

[0:49] Bella cocks her brow, 'A squishy? What's that? ohh wait! Ohh well maybe but its not to be seen right here though. We can go some place quiet and secluded for that. Is that alright Scrotum?"

[0:52] Scrotum the Ogre nods, "Scrotum take dems to see squishy.." as he attempts to grip her around the waist and lift her effortlessly to sit on his hip as he curls his arms around her, then lumbers off down the path to find some privacy.

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