Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tripping Ova Saturday...

I can be your addiction if you want to be hooked on me....
I log to early tired but planing to roll over and Des gets into IMs HA! so much for sleep. I take Bits tp and watch him dance on his first dance pole rofl in some crack den looking place..was actually quite funny. Mira is there and soon Over comes in we stay have some fun we go to voice we tease some ppl we hop around to a carnival and pick up a stray kid..who by the way was one crazy ass brat who said she would punch Mira. Weird thing the kiddos momma left and she came back to us even as Over talk about wanting to play "doctor"with her and poke her "buttons." it was too funny..we bounced to a china place where the house broke apart as we walked through it was fun. The Over brought us to a teacup ride place i proceeded to try and sell the little girl Desire and i made a new rule no picking up stray kids that's asking for trouble.....We all split after that i called a sl cabbie to come get me and bring me back home where i was sad and missing my boo when she logged on i was screaming like a little girl and sent her like 12 tp's to me but sl was being an ass and they were broked she kissed me and logged leaving me once more sad and grumpy till she returns of course man i cant imagine life without her everything else is blah taste, sight, touch, smell, and hearing. after her departure i was once more informed of the recently "deceased" Jenn...i use the word deceased lightly.. Her dismiss was way too convenient as well as too much in her bad was like a ghost over a wedding happiness. So today after hearing of her ghost and deciding it not something one should doubt that seeing Cliff feeling somewhat bad over the death i went on a mad search. I found out she is not listed in the obituaries i also found a load of blogs by her...serious blogs she has a blogging tendency that verges on a need. The only thing that mattered to me was under either of her names i found her not to be deceased of the dead nor that she found demise of any the folder i had her placed in receives more information and the case of the falsely deceased is closed for the moment unless further investigation reveals otherwise...then as my night continues i find myself at a crossroads one i swiftly push aside as i go kid hunting...thats right des wants a son who'd of thought. i soon give up on that when im swarmed by little girls and i know for damn sure i dont want more little girls. After leaving there i went out with Bit to first Paris the new and improved one then we hopped to some Haunted House that was so slow to rez for even me that i was like scratch this..then i hit the jackpot with a carnival...the rides were FIRE!!! we laughed we laughed more we left for the beach lol...we hit the beach and two seconds in went clubbing at the spot with Mira and we laughed some more and just as he was going night and Mira was telling me something Yurkio logged on and i screamed everyone on skype and my family heard and like grease lightening without even barely saying bye to my two friends i bounced, skipped, and took the jet to see her. My night was ready set made i got to see my boo and i got to laugh and talk and cuddle and just be with her. She called me a tit twice which i find funny her words of endearment haha. As she left me for a moment to go say hi to friends i sang and talked to myself forgeting i had her on voice lol she said she liked listening to me go lol. She returned to me teased me tasted me and after a swat and a push by me went and brought her sleepy ass to bed with lots of i love yous...

..................To Be Continued the Adventures of Desmonda

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